
Five reasons Cadent's value proposition is borderline unbeatable

From the ground-up, we're built to be a lean, mean impact machine - a digital and technology consultancy that anyone would choose to work with. Here are the top five reasons we think Cadent's value proposition is pretty unique, and bloody hard to beat.

Why I started Cadent

Hi there! I'm James and I’m the founder and Managing Director of Cadent. Let me take you through the abbreviated journey that led me to start Cadent, which hopefully demonstrates some of the method behind the madness.

Pacific Labour Facility transforms for greater agility

Rapid growth and significant changes in the external environment demanded improvements to this federal government program's agility.

KALACC turns to youth to save Aboriginal traditional knowledge

COVID-19 presented the risk of devastating impact to Aboriginal culture. KALACC engaged Cadent to understand how technology could help.

PPQ safeguards Queenslanders' personal information

PPQ handles sensitive personal documents and government systems. Cadent led ISO 27001 compliance in this unique environment.